Thursday 5 September 2013

Elysium: it's good. Very good

Neil Blomkamp directed and wrote District 9 after his production of Halo fell through and he got given some cash to make a film.

It was pretty good (understatement).
It has a great story, great acting, amazing CG and tremendous guns.
District 9 guns designed by Weta

Now you can't tell me they wouldn't have looked good in a Halo movie.
The story in District 9 is basically about how bad refugees are treated and the trappings of apartheid.

Sharlto Copley is tremendous and acts his back side off.

Fast forward several years to Elysium.


Given a bigger budget Mr Blomkamp went mental.
Elysium is a sprawling scifi action film with the premise that the wealthy get healthy and the poor are fucked (sound familiar).

I'm not going to go through the plot other than;
Good guy who was once bad but is trying to change his ways gets treated badly by the nasty corporation who make the police droids.
He then has to fight his way to the healthy Elysium station.
Much fighting, glorious CG, tremendous acting awesome guns, jaw dropping space vistas and Sharlto Copley being the nastiest bastard in all of Christendom.
This is because he has a beard.
He is also completely badass.

AND!  Jodie Fosters calf muscles!  Seriously!

They're like bricks!!!
I think this is from the premier of Elysium.
William Fichtner plays Matt Damons android like boss, looks like the price of being super healthy and wealthy is being dead inside and he is awesome.

Jodie Foster is the cold administrator of the installation.


There's a couple of shots of the Elysium wheel/ ring that look like they could have come out of a Halo cut scene but in stupidly high resolution.
Like I mentioned before, the CG in the space shots is unbelievable, it's genuinely awe inspiring.

The earth bound side of things is brown and dull and dusty, Elysium is green and shiny.

Suffice to say, go and see it.

It's a smart and amazing looking film which is well worth the £9 you'll pay to see it.  It's definitely a cinema movie.  I just wish I'd seen in in IMAX but I would have probably dunged my pants.


All in all I just it an "A" out of 10.  An "A+" would have been achieved by adding Master Chief. 



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