Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Beard: Science Vs Religion: Part 1: The Revenge



The Beard is not simply a growth of hair upon a mans (or womans if we're honest about it) face.

A beard is not just for Christmas or Decembeard.

A beard is a way of life, it is a culture, it is an affirmation of all things good in the world.
A beard quite simply, whether you believe or not, is a holy thing.

The sanctity of a mans (or womans) beard can be traced by to the very early origins of man.

In neanderthal times a beard was grown as a method of insulating a family against the harshness of the elements.  
"Discussions from the elders"

Entire families have been found fossilised within prehistoric beards.
Crouched in hibernation awaiting the return of "Sonnetrol", the prehistoric god of the sun.

There a family of up to 8 would bestow upon the Clanestrolon (or "beard wearer") the power of immortality to further the existence of the species.

Throughout time, the beard has signified knowledge and wisdom.  Many great sages in the annals of history were simply accused of "laziness" or "being dirty" by unknowing and deliberately seditious types looking to bring down the power of beards.  
This was either due to not inherently understanding or a deep seated fear of the hirsute "chin of lore".

Lee Sklar: "Clearly a man of power"

to be continued....

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