Tuesday 3 December 2013

Beard Science: Part 3: The 3rd Part with 3 parts

The size of a beard and it's realativistic notion of power is derived using the following equation:

Bp = Bv/Q(2Vr)

Beard power (Bp) is equal to the Beard volume (Bv) divided by the quantity of beards times the double of the Volume of rock.

Rock is defined by the amount of rock in the surrounding local to the beard.

A rugged Mountain Man

This energy is transferred via symbioses of beard and beardee ergo the larger the coverage the greater the transference through the follicles to the beardee.
We use 2VR as, as seen in the human brain, a beard operates on a left and right hemisphere or more accurately "hemisbeard".

This would explain how Brian Blessed is able to climb mountains/ fly and why many mountain men have beards.

Lord Blessed holding the invisible brush of power. 

The Left hemisbeard controls the power flow and right controls the tempering aspect.
Unlike the human brain the hemisbeards work in tandem to control the overall "awesomness" of the beard.
As a beard learns, it grows and as a beard grows it learns but a beard has a limit memory.
If you ask someone with a beard how long they have been growing it, only on very rare occasions can they give you the beards exact inception date.

Cutting a beard is similar to performing a lobotomy.  
Removing a beard unwillingly or without the proper preparation can be emotionally damaging and can lead the beardee down a path of anxiety, loneliness and reduced motor function.
Other symptoms may include "phantom beard" where the ex-beardee or "muppet" or the derogatory "Skin Chin" constantly stroking a non existent beard.
I have seen the effects of this.
I will never unsee it.

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