Tuesday 28 May 2013


I love chicken. But I don't have any just now.

Chickens are funny things.
You look at one and think "Hey, you're a chicken but you don't look tasty!".  It's all feathers and a beak and wee beady eyes.  Just doesn't look like it would be tasty.
Bacon though, bacon is different.  Look at classic normal pink pig.
Like this:
a pig
You'd love to just take a bite of of that.
Stick a skewer up it's bum, roast it over a fire, bacon and ham!!!  YUS!!

Chickens though.
You have to pluck it, shave it, decapitate it. hide the head, so it doesn't watch you with it's beady eyes, punch it (literally you must punch a chicken, it's the law of somewhere), get rid of the giblets and then cook it properly.

Takes ages.

But it's worth it or maybe it's maybelene, I don't know.

I do know I want chicken.  But there's none.

So I think I'll have toast, plain toast, no butter.

Good chicken recipe:

  • 4 large chicken breasts
  • Grill them.
  • Eat them.

Then have a coke.

And some toast.


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