Saturday 25 May 2013

X-Men:First Class

I liked it.

A lot.

Better than X3.

Better than Driving Miss Daisy so why no Oscar nomination.

I'll tell you why.

Because it's all a conspiracy.  
You see, these days, films are made by an underground cult and you have to be a member to get your film nominated.

You must pray to Horned Yonty, you must sacrifice your inner ear on the left hand side.  You ever see a director tight rope walking?  That's why, no balance. 

I've seen it happen, I was in Hollywood one day while I was on sabbatical in 1982, I was invited by an A list director at the time (I cannot say which for fear of retribution) to go to this house at 8pm on Wednesday the 5th of May and I saw what cannot be unseen.
2 faceless automatons performed the surgery on a then C list director (now one of the top Hollywood people in the world).
They actually used what looked like half an old radio antenna and some Bazooka Joe bubble gum to remove the inner ear.

They heard me on my kazoo at the back which scared them so I was asked to leave and never to speak of it until now at this exact time during the great planetary trio of May 2013.

It's true, ask him.


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