Friday 31 May 2013

Friday at the coal face

Im really tired.
Not just tired but sweaty.

I have a full stomach though. Ive just eaten a Subway BMT.
Much tasteyness.

Also a nice person just gave me a muffin. So now I sit here enjoying a muffin and a black coffee.

Coffees good.  It perks you up but also relaxes you.  To much makes you jitter. Far to much makes me berzek, then really sleepy.

I once drank about 9 cans of Monster in one day.  I was not a well man.
I was watching Thin Lizzy and I swear to God that Tommy Aldrichs drums were making the air visually move.
My heart was playing jazz too.
The next day my pee was like greeny brown wallpaper paste and my kidneys were so sore that I considered removing them.

Monster's really nommy, especially  the Rehab stuff.  The tea one.

Drink it.

BE TOLD!!!!!

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