Sunday 2 June 2013

I got a real bad feeling about this.

Spent most yesterday editing a drum track in midi and it completely changed the feel of the song for the better.

Drummers will hate me for this next comment but it's not supposed to be a dig.  It's odd that something as simple as a beat can change the feeling of a song.

A prime example of this from the world of Metal (yes with a capital "M") is Domination by Pantera, double time intro into a half time verse, same(ish) riff, different drums, different feel (probably why it's called half time feel).

The main reason Dub Step works so well is the timing changes.  When you get to "the Drop" the drums invariably go to half time which seems to add weight to the entire section.  It's a tool that when used, sparingly, while writing really can change the feel of a song quite tremendously.

Also reverb helps.

And distortion.

And talent, although that's debatable looking at some of the dull eyed drones in the music business just now.
I suppose they don't write the shit they mime to, they're just the seeing part of it.  Some poor wee guy probably on a shit salary is churning out the bland, lifeless, offensive music.

Go listen to Primus or Live or John Williams, just something that was crafted instead of copy and pasted!

BE TOLD!!!!!!

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