Monday 3 June 2013


I love music me.

I love listening to it
I love making it.

It's weird that when I listen to music now that I break down what I'm listening to and work out how it was made.
I can no longer just listen to a piece of music and go "YEAH!!! ROCK!" or "my word I'm moved by that".  I think in terms of keys and the chord progressions, or what the drummers doing or try in vain to understand how the fuck a composer wrote that while I struggle with righting multiple guitar harmonies (DEEP BREATH).

See music is one thing that most people have in common.  People have good tastes and bad tastes but it's all subjective and self opinion (but that's a lengthy topic for some other time).

I love music.
I heard the Inception score the other day.  Zimmer really did a good job with that and even though it's got that big epic feel, it's not quite John Williams' Star Wars.
Star Wars is the measuring stick I use for all film music.
Listen to the main theme, there's so bloody much going on it there, there's not just the trumpet fanfare, everything moves, all the time, it's incredible.

See, Zimmers score is more atmospheric, the main theme is a droning note, a big, awesome bassy note.  But it's so good because it makes you feel huge.  It's kinda hard to explain.
You get that uplift, the hairs on your arms go ZING!
But it's that feeling I like.
I don't get that feeling with metal or rock or country (well very very very occasionally I do) but that doesn't matter because it's still amazing.

Anything that someone creates and puts effort into.

Shit like this amazes me, so simple and so good: Reverend Gary Davis total feel music, he's in the zone for his shit right now.

This too, smojoblues.  Just a guy playing a 3 string cigar box.  But he's making it.  It's all him. Him and the strings.

Simple or complex, it's all created, it's all good.

Pick a tune listen to how someone worked their guts out on that solo, listen to this guys vocals on the chorus, Listen to that fill at the end of the 2nd chorus, the key change here, the bass going off on a ragga trip.
It all works together, you can tell the songs on albums that musicians really put everything into and you can tell the "we need another 14 minutes on the album, let's whack in Bryans song about chickens" ones apart.

Example:  Rearview Mirror from Vs by Pearl Jam a song that starts off simple and builds and builds up the end, same album as Blood, 3 minutes of muck.
You can tell the songs Pearl Jam crafted and the ones they bashed out.
Yeah, some people might like Blood, I don't, this is my blog, I'll say what I bloody like :)

Every band/ composer is the same.  Danny Elfman sometimes sounds like he's gone into auto pilot, so does Alan Silvestry ( you can spot both of them within a few seconds of hearing a score).
But, maybe that's it right there, it's their style.  I can spot a Steve Vai solo or a Korn Riff or a Stevie Wonder track a mile off just like I can with most composers scores unless they go experimental, like John Williams War of The Worlds score.

Danny Elfmans Batman Suite

Alan Silvestri Predator Soundtrack - Main Title

John WIlliams Star Wars

This rant really had no point did it?

Or did it?

I'm not sure.

But musics good, don't limit yourself.  Listen to everything.  Except plastic pop shit, that'll suck out your soul.
I have nothing against a well written pop song but soulless churned out, manufactured, auto tuned, over sampled, clinical, 2 lyric pieces of shit need to die.

BE TOLD!!!!!!

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