Tuesday 18 June 2013

Why Robocop is awesome.

It's just awesome.

4 main points:

  1. It's funny
  2. It's violent as hell
  3. It's quotable
  4. Robocop is bad ass
If you don't agree with me so far then know one thing, you're wrong and here's why.

Robocop is a ridiculous name for a film and that is one of the reason it took so long to get made.  A film about a robot policeman, seriously.  Techno Police!  CYBER CRIME SQUAD! MACHINE DETECTIVE!  It could have been worse.
Let's cast a skinny guy no one knows because he'll fit in the suit (Weller).
Get a director that had never made a film in the US before (Verhoven).
Lets get Rob Bottin to design the suit.
Let's cast a dude who usually plays nice wholesome guys to play the evil villain mastermind (Ronnie Cox).

I didn't know any of this when I first saw it when I was 10 or 11 on pirate VHS and I loved it.

It was a big robot dude shooting people.

It had a guys hand getting blown off.

Robocop stabs a guy in the throat and blood squirts out every where.


Robocop has got an awesome gun!

The Cobra assault 50mm guns that Clarences gang get.  BOOOOM!

As I grew up I saw the meaning and satire in the film, the toy commercials, the sunblock commercial, the commercial for an artificial heart and my favourite, the 6000 SUX.
I saw the Christ allegory.
The sheer ridiculousness of it is amazing.

It's a really good action film because Clarence Bodicker is such a cool bad guy. with 3 of the best lines in 80s action films:
"Bitches leave."
"Can you fly Bobby?"
"Just gimme my fuckin' phone call." (then spits blood on the sign in sheet).
Kurtwood Smith is awesome.
Now that I think of the 3 lines, Id have to add:
"You probably don't think I'm a very nice guy?"

Peter Weller did an amazing job, his monotone voice, his movement, his face when the helmet comes off, he really shows sadness just with his eyes.  He's just superb.
His deadpan voice when delivering the lines is great.  For example, when he stops the attempted rape the woman just wants comforted and he says, in his best computer voice, "Madam, you has suffered an emotional shock, I will notify a rape crisis centre".  LOL!  He's a logical machine, that's the logical course of action.

The rest of the cast are good too, the old man, Bodikers gang, Lewis, they all fit in really well and make the film better for being there.

Miguel Ferrer is cast as a 80's wall street business executive dick in a future Detroit and he nails it.

Robocops suit is a tremendous bit of work.  Apparently Boddin was going for the look of a car.  It actually looks a bit like if Judge Dredd dressed as a Delorian.
I used to draw it quite a bit when I was a kid.
I loved the design then and now.

ED209 was terrifying.  It just looked evil.  I loved the voice too.

The music was awesome bit clanky marches and the emotional music was really, well, emotional.  Listen to the music when Robocop/ Murphy revisits his old home, it's really quite sad.

It's a futurist, satire, scifi, action film.

It's basically a good Judge Dredd movie.

Go and watch Robocop, or there will be trouble.


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