Sunday 9 June 2013

...and the beat goes on.

I bloody love wrestling.

Not this watered down, PG era, crap.  I like old wrestling.

Jake the Snake, Macho Man Randy Savage, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat.  That stuff and then onto Stone Cold Steve Austin, DX, The Rock (Pre Hollywood).

See, the rose tinted spectacles are firmly on and the "Cena Sucks!" chant is in full effect.
The guys that are doing the wrestling now are just not as stand out as they use to be, the belts mean practically nothing and the feuds are shot to non existent.

Back in my day, Hogan and Savage feuded for nearly a year, Rick Rude and Jake for 6 months.  These are feuds that were built up and built up between the 4 pay per views.
Now there's a PPV every month and it's just "Yeah, Cena has the WWE belt and someone else has the one that used to be the WCW one, that means less"..
They don;t build star up like they used to.
The biggest build up we've had in recent months/ years has been Fandango.  FANDANGO!  A wrestling ballroom dancer.



The built up Ryback too as the next Goldberg.  Mercilessly destroying opponents.  Then he came up against Cena, who doesn't loose, unless you're The Rock, but then it's only so you can milk another PPV out of him.



Arguably the only 4 things that the WWE has done right in the last year are:
Daniel Bryan (comedy Genius)
Sandow (Comedy Genius)
Ziggler (basically Mr Perfect)
The Shield (3 guys who are believably unstoppable)

But Vince doesn't care.
He's a mad man, with more money than you.  He loves wrestling but having someone who loves wrestling, is a power mad nut bag, with no competition and basically created his his own universe.
Actually he does care.
He wants to create and interesting product but I don't think even he knows what it is.

Yeah, he's created the ultimate kids, super hero in Cena but Cena appeals to kids.  I don';t hate Cena, I just think hes hideously over pushed as this invincible good guy.  He lacks one thing.  Hogans superhero like belief and self vision of himself.

See Hogan/ Ultimate Warrior/ Macho Man all had one thing in common.  Completely off the chain, insanity filled interviews where they exploded with superhero promos about how they were bigger than men, they were bigger than heros, they were stronger etc.
They were nuts.
AND full of Red know....whatever....

Good nuts.

If John Cena started going on about his pythons and lifting Trump Towers on his back, which actually I think he could do given the commentators constant mention of his "freakish strength", so he lifted Big Show, Christ, everyone's done that.  Then I'd probably like him more.
Instead of talking about poop.
Cenas old battle raps where way more interesting than his droning on about whatever it is he drones on about, honestly I can't remember a single Cena promo.

On the other hand, Daniel Bryan only needs 2 words Yes! and No!.  Genius.

Sandow is basically Leaping Lenny "The Genius" Poffo, but easier to like.

The Shield is the NWO.

I bet they screw it up but expanding it but Vince has been smart enough not to give every fucker in the locker room creative control.

We'll this has been a meandering rant hasn't it.

Basically I don't like WWE just now.

But I still love wrestling.



  1. Vince is old, rich and bored. Now he likes to fuck with the fans, just because he can. I understand that. I would do that. This weeek, I would have Cena beat Bryan in a beard vs Jorts match.

    All joking aside, the problem is that wrestling should be perfectly pitched between sport and entertainment. too far to either side and it doesn't work.

  2. And right now it's too far towards entertainment. There should always be comedy, but everyone should be striving to be the champion. otherwise why are they doing it? Without that basic logical point, the whole thing falls apart.
