Tuesday 2 July 2013

80s cartoon intros and why im old.

I grew up in the 80s watching 80s cartoons. I loved the usual things everyone my age did; Transformers, Thundercats, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, Battle of the Planets, Ulysses 31 and more.

What always got me though were the intros and the theme tunes.

The intro animations were amazingly slick. shaded, 30 fps, detailed and action packed.  
The themes were hummable, singable and memorable.
This was the showcase for the show.after all.  Most of the time the themes were some mad 80s synth rock track with soaring vocals and guitar. Borderline power metal in most cases (listen to The Silverhawks or Thundercats theme).

I loved them.
Then you get to the actual content and program.....
Thundercats is a prime example.
The theme tune and intro animation are arguably the slickest and most exciting of the lot but it fades with a synthed up big cat growl to some crappy flat, jerky drawings.
When I was a kid I didn't care but now when I rewatch it, it ruins it.
Transformers is the same, but seeing as it was a show designed to sell toys its not surprising. The season 2 intro is great. Big flying insignia, 'computer' wire frame ground zooming past and a much higher quality recording of the theme tune. 

Still the same budget animation in the cartoon, missed colours, 3 Rumbles in a scene, shit continuity. I didnt care when I was a kid though.
The cartoon movie is still awesome, although you can see where the animation scenes start and the japanese stuff kicks in.
There's some crazy good 30fps animation in there, look at the destruction of Krannix's planet at the start, the shots in the lab look incredible.  Now compare that to Optimus Primes last haymaker on Megatron, shoddy crap-o-vision.

 But enough about that.

This is undoubtedly my favourite, I absolutely loved this:
Look at the sheer quality of the intro, it is so beautiful.  The side shot of the ship passing, the parallax style scrolling perspective.
The MAGNIFICENT mullet and beard of the hero!!

It's like Hanks from Dungeons and Dragons but WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.

While we're on hair, does anyone remember this?


I loved this when I was a kid, I remember making the main X ship out of lego.  I loved it.

Fast forward several years.

What the fuck is going on here?
Who are these people?
It's about fighting yes and there are many flashing colours.  It's like a Michael Bay cartoon.
Go on watch it 3 times and then try and hum the theme.  It has no melody.  No charm.

This does;

Maybe it's just because I don't watch Saturday morning cartoons any more (do they still have that?)
I suppose with the advent of Cartoon Network and everything there's constant cartoons all trying to be louder and brighter than the last (it's like the loudness war with pop music).

The last cartoons I remember watching on Cartoon Network were; Johnny Bravo, Dexters Lab and I like the Batman cartoons (the ones Kevin Conroy voices).

Dexter :D

And some anime type stuff, Appleseed, G.I.T.S., Ninja Scrolls, Cyber City Oedo (which isn't that well known and should be!)
Now that is a good Japanese rock intro.  YAAAAAAAS!!!

Maybe I'm just old and living in the past.
I can still watch them on Youtube or buy the DVDs though so that's good.

Go look up some old cartoons on Youtube.


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