Monday 1 July 2013


It's done for one more year.

Les Fest II was awesome.
Dave and Fede and everyone else involved really out did themselves.
Lot's of good vibes, good tunes, good chat and good feelings.
I met a lot of cool people.

So to Dave, Fede and everyone involved, from the bottom of my heart:

(for letting me run around your festival annoying everyone I could)

It just amazes me how much work that they took on and how smoothly it all seemed to go (from the outside anyway, I'm sure inside they both had 3 hearts pulling 190BPM in shifts :) )

I passed through the production office on quite a few occasions and the 2 of them were never sitting, they pretty much spent 3 days on their feet (again, that WE saw!).

Metal Outlaw TV was on hand interviewing everyone and anyone.  We got some sit down, comfy chair style stuff and some roving reporter maneuvering.

Mr Wood, our director, head of programming, elbow dropping, whip cracking, shot caller and unbending force is currently editing the beastly quantity of footage over the 3 days (I think he mentioned it was 350GB or something).

We caught up with Massive Wagon, Achren, Evile, CCV, Mair, Diementia, Afterlife, Inferno, Dave Acari and The Dogheads among others.
We interviewed a goat and some geese.
I played harmonica to some punters on the Les Fest Express.
I harassed Planet Mosh member and Diementia guitarist Scott Watson after drinking some apple juice.
Played some squeezebox and danced for Dan Dean.

One of my personal highlights was having to do an impromptu Metal Spoken Word for the Metal Angels acoustic stage due to a last minute cancellation.
I have to admit I really wasn't sure if it would go down well live.

Happily my doubt was not based in reality as I saw some one playing air guitar to my spoken word rendition of Dead Skin Mask and got a little bit of crowd participation during "Flipping" Hostile.

So no doubt this along with all the news, gossip, shout outs, music, love and good/ bad behaviour will be available on the MOTV Youtube channel so be sure to hit us up through Facebook to keep yourselves posted.


On a completely unrelated note.

Check this out
Evil Edison: Hourglass
It's the new video by Evil Edison for their song Hourglass starring Mr William Brownlie from 15 Times Dead

Watch and enjoy it.


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