Wednesday 17 July 2013

Bat shit crazy

Its a weird phrase, why is it bat or rat shit thats crazy?
Is ocelot shit any crazier.
Revolver Ocelot, he does crazy poopage!!!

I find cow dung quite banal, also horse dung is not very interesting, although, im not a scatologist so maybe there are crazier types.
I'd rate it as follows (with 1 being the craziest of all):
1. Bat
2. Rat
3. Cat
4. Rabbit
5. Fish
6. Dog
7. Goat
8. Tiger
9. Horse
10. Cow

You'll notice human isn't on the list. Human shit isn't crazy, its funny because its jobbies.  Unless it's this guys:

Here's a site that will allow you to identify animal droppings:

See if you can find some crazy ones.



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